Date:2012-02-07 Traffic:3569
There are following apparatus necessary in a scott volumeter in determinating apparent density of powders:funnel,baffle box,stand and horizontal vibration-free base,cylindrical cup,balance.
AS-200 Scott Volumeter
AS-200 Scott Volumeter determines scott / bulk /apparent density of metallic powders according to International Standard ISO 3923 - 2 Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 2: Scott volumeter method. It completely meets USP Chapter 616 Bulk Density and Tapped Density of Powders Method II-Measurement in a Volumeter and ASTM B 329 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Metal Powders and Compounds Using the Scott Volumeter. It is applicable to powders including metal powders, compounds, paint, pigment, refractory metals etc. that will not flow freely through a 5 mm orifice (see ISO 3923-1 or see AS-300).