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Hall Flowmeter Functions June 19, 2015

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(Last Update: June 19, 2015)
AS-300 Hall Flowmeter (Funnel) /Hall Flow Meter (Funnel) determines both Flow Rate and Apparent Density. It is applicable to both free-flowing metallic powders and other fine powders testing. The testing is performed with a calibrated hall flowmeter funnel according to International Standards
ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders
ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)
ASTM B212 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Free Flowing Metal Powders Using the Hall Flowmeter Funnel
ISO No. 3923-1 Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 1 Funnel method
MPIF No.4 Std. 04—Apparent Density of Free-Flowing Metal Powders Using the Hall Apparatus
As for non-free-flowing powers,Option A includes a Carney Funnel (Dia.5.0 mm) according to International Standards
ASTM B417 Standard Test Method for Apparent Density of Non-Free-Flowing Metal Powders Using the Carney Funnel
Metallic powders - Determination of apparent density - Part 1 Funnel method
MPIF No.28
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Measure Flow Rate by a Hall Flow Meter Funnel
AS-300 Hall Flowmeter Funnel determines hall flow rate. The test is operated by measuring the time taken by 50 gram of a metal powder to flow through a hall flowmeter funnel. The funnel is calibrated on the orifice(0.1 inch/2.5mm) by standardized Chinese Emery according to International Standards ASTM B213/ISO 4490 in order to get 40+-0.5 second flow rate.
Measure Apparent Density of free-flowing powders by a Hall Flow Meter Funnel
AS-300 determines apparent density of free-flowing powders. Permitting a volume or certain quantity of powder in a loose condition to flow from a hall flowmeter funnel orifice Diameter 0.1 inch/2.5mm. The powders flow into a specified density cup of calibrated volume(25cc) under controlled conditions. The mass of powder per unit volume (the ratio between the mass and the volume) is recorded and reported as apparent density.
Measure Apparent Density of non-free-flowing powders by a Carney Funnel
AS-300 determines apparent density of non-free-flowing powders. Permitting a volume or certain quantity of powder in a loose condition to flow from a Carney Funnel diameter 0.2 inch/5.0mm into a specified density cup of definite volume(25cm3) under controlled conditions. The mass of powder per unit volume (the ratio between the mass and the volume) is recorded and reported as apparent density. Carney funnel is not calibrated and for purpose of measuring the apparent density only.
Powder Hall Flowmeter Funnel/Calibrated flowmeter funnel
Stand and horizontal vibration-free base
Density cup/Cylindrical Cup
● Timing Device/Stopwatch
● Chinese Emery Grit
● Carney Funnel
● Balance

(Above apparatus are subject to AimSizer quotation)
Powder metallurgy, metallic powders, food powders, cement powders, plastic powders, rubber powders, ceramic powders, pharmaceutical powders,foundry,casting,metalworking, etc.
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hall flow meter
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• AimSizer Scientifc is a world leading and reliable manufacturer of Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter Funnels and Carney Funnels. All the metallic parts are processed stringently according to International Standards in order to make the unit an accurate and standardized.
• AimSizer is a major research participant in the interlaboratory study of the flow of Chinese Emery. Chinese Emery is used to calibrate a hall flowmeter funnel by the manufacturers.
• AimSizer is also the original manufacturer of calibration powder Chinese Emery
How To Use An AS-300 Hall Flow Meter
The bottom of the Hall Flowmeter funnel orifice is approximately 25mm (1 in.) above the top of the density cup when the apparatus is assembled.

The test specimen shall be tested as sampled.

The test specimen shall consist of a volume of approximately 30 to 40 cm3 of metal powder.

Report the results as apparent density, Hall (ADH) to the nearest 0.01 g/cm3

Calculate the apparent density as follows: where:
M= mass of powder in the density cup, g.
V= volume of the density cup, cm3
ADH= apparent density, Hall

Transfer the filled density cup to the balance and weigh to the nearest 0.01 g to determine the mass, M, of powder.

After the leveling operation, tap the density cup lightly on the side to settle the powder to avoid spilling during transfer. Wipe off any powder sticking to the outside wall of the cup.

Using a nonmagnetic spatula with the blade held perpendicular to the top edge of the cup, level off the powder flush with the top of the density cup. Take care to avoid jarring the apparatus at any time.

After the powder has completely filled the cup and has begun to overflow the periphery of the density cup, rotate the funnel approximately 90 degree in a horizontal plane so that the remaining powder falls away from the cup.

Carefully load the test specimen into the flowmeter funnel and permit it to run into the density cup through the discharge orifice. Take care not to move the density cup.

Weigh the empty density cup to the nearest 0.01 g or, alternatively, place the empty cup on the balance and tare the balance to zero.

It is recommended that the use of a funnel be discontinued after the flow rate of the emery has increased such that the time of flow is less than 37 s

Clean the orifice and avoid scratching during cleaning.

A plating of soft powder upon the orifice.

The powder flows slower and the powder flow rate has decreased.

A new correction factor may be used.

It is probable that repeated use has burnished the orifice.

The powder flows faster and the powder flow rate has increased.

Report the corrected flow rate in seconds to the nearest second.

Multiply the elapsed time by the desired correction factor.

Calculate the correction factor by dividing 40.0 by either the flow rate shipped along with the unit or the new calibration flow rate determined according to calibration procedure.

More than one flow may be run if desired. Use a fresh 50.0 g quantity of powder for each flow test. Average the flow times.

Record the elapsed time to the nearest 0.1 s.

Stop the stopwatch the instant the last of the powder exits the orifice.

If the powder fails to start flowing, one light tap on the funnel rim is permitted. Further tapping of the funnel, however, or poking or stirring of the powder in the funnel with a wire or any other implement is not permitted.

Simultaneously start the stopwatch and remove your finger from the discharge orifice.

Place the emptied weighing dish on the flowmeter stand directly under the funnel orifice.

Carefully pour the 50.0 g sample of powder into the center of the flowmeter funnel without any tapping, vibration or movement of the funnel.

Block the discharge orifice at the bottom of the funnel with a dry finger.

Weigh out a 50.0 g mass of powder, as sampled, into a clean weighing dish.

The determination shall be carried out on three test portions.

Immediately before the test, weigh out a 50+-0.1 g test portion.

In general, the powder shall be tested in the as-received condition. In certain cases, and after agreement between the supplier and user, the powder may be dried. However, if the powder is susceptible to oxidation, the drying shall take place in a vacuum or in inert gas. If the powder contains volatile substances, it shall not be dried.

The mass of the test sample shall be at least 200 g.

Control the height to 25mm from density cup to the funnel orifice during measuring the apparent density

A cylindrical brass cup having a nominal capacity of 25 cm3.The actual cup volume shall be determined according to Test Method ASTM B873.

A balance suitable for weighing at least 50.0 g to the nearest 0.1 g.

An emery powder used to calibrate the flowmeter funnel.

A stopwatch or other suitable device capable of measuring to the nearest 0.1 s

A level, vibration free base to support the powder flowmeter stand.

A stand to support the powder flowmeter funnel.

A flowmeter funnel having a calibrated orifice of 2.5mm in diameter.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Carney Funnel?
Does standard test method determine the flow rate of all the metal powders?
Apparatus of Hall Flow Meter according to ISO 4490 about apparent bulk density?
What is a hall flow meter used for?
Chinese Emery Grit and Turkish Emery Grit for Hall Flowmeter Calibration
Allowed error range of hall flowmeter
What is the requirement on accuracy of a stopwatch used in hall flow rate measurement?
ISO 4490 Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter) - requirement for a balance?
-The balance has sufficient capacity,capable of weighing the test portioin to an accuracy of +- 0.05 g.
ISO 4490 Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter) - stand and horizontal vibration-free base requirement?
-Stand and horizontal vibration-free base is used to support the funnel rigidly.

-What is the requirement on hall flow meter funnel according to international standard ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)?
-Calibrated funnel has the dimension shown in ISO 4490.The funnel shall be made of a non-magnetic,corrosion-resistant metallic material having sufficient wall thickness and hardness to withstand distortion and excessive wear.

- What is the principle of a hall flow meter funnel according to international standard ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)?
-Measurement of the time required for 50 g of a metallic powder to flow through the orifice of a calibrated funnel of standardized dimensions.

-What is the application of hall flowmeter method according to international standard ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)?
-The method is applicable only to powders which flow freely through the specified test orifice.

-What is the scope of international standard ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter)?
-This international Standard specifies a method for determining the flow rate of metallic powders, including powders for hardmetals,by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter).

-What is explanation of Bias according to ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders by using a hall flowmeter funnel?
-No statement can be made about bias,because there is no standard reference material for flow rate measurement.

-What is explanation of Reproducibility according to ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders by using a hall flowmeter funnel?
- Reproducibility intervals,R,are listed in Table 1.For 95% of comparative trials done in two different laboratories,and onm the basis of test error alone,single tests on the same homogeneous lot of powder will differ by no more than the stated amount in seconds.

-What is the explanation of Repeatability according to ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders by using a hall flowmeter funnel?
-Repeatability intervals,r,are listed in Table 1 in ASTM B 213.In 95% of flow rate determinations,on the basis of test error alone,duplicate tests in the same laboratory by the same operator on one homogeneous lot of powder will differ by no more than the stated amount in seconds.

-What is the explanation of Precision according to ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders by using a hall flowmeter funnel?
-The precision has been determined from an interlaboratory study performed by seven laboratories of Sub committee.AimSizer took part in the interlaboratory research and has become a major participant in such research and the original manufacturer of calibration powder chinese emery.

-How to report the test data of hall flow rate according to ASTM B213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders by using a hall flow meter funnel?
-After test by a hall flow meter funnel, report the corrected flow rate in seconds to the nearest second.

-What to do after calculating correction factor of a hall flowmeter funnel according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders?
-After obtaining the correction factor, multiply the elapsed time by the desired correction factor.

-How to calculate the flow rate of metal powders using a hall flow meter funnel according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders?
-After measurement of hall flow rate of metal powders,calculate the correction factor by dividing 40.0 by either the flow rate stamped on the bottom of the funnel, or the new calibratioin flow rate established according to calibrationi of apparatus 9.3 of ASTM B 213.

- What is the procedure of second test method in ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel?
-The method 2 Moving Powder Start to Flow Measurement includes the following steps:1.Place an empty receptacle directly under the discharge orifice.2.Weigh out a 50.0 g mass of powder,as sampled,into a clean weighing dish.3.Pour the 50.0 g powder specimen into the center of the funnel and start the stopwatch the instant the powder exists the orifice.4.Stop the stopwatch the instant the last of the powder exists the orifice.5.Record the elapsed time to the nearest .01 s.6.More than one flow may be run if desired. Use a fresh 50.0 g quantity of powder for each flow test. Average the flow times.

-What is the second testing method in ASTM B 213 using a hall flow meter funnel?
-The second testing method in ASTM B 213 is Moving Powder Start to Flow Measurement.

-What is the test procedure of method 1 Stationary Powder Start to Flow Measurement according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a Hall Flow Meter Funnel?
-1.Weight out a 50.0 g mass of powder, as sampled, into a clean weighing dish.2.Block the discharge orifice at the bottom of the funnel with a dry finger.3.Carefully pour the 50.0 g sample of powder into the center of the flowmeter funnel without any tapping, vibration or movement of the funnel.4.Place the emptied weighing dish on the flowmeter stand directly under the funnel orifice.5.Simultaneously start the stopwatch and remove your finger from the discharge orifice.6.If the powder fails to start flowing,one light tap on the funnel rim is permitted. Further tapping of the funnel,however,or poking or stirring the powder in the funnel with a wire or any other implement is not permitted.7.Stop the stopwatch the instant the last of the powder exists the orifice.8.Record the elaspse time to the nearest 0.1 s.9. More than one flow may be run if desired. Use a fresh 50.0 g quantity of powder for each flow test. Average the flow times.

-What is the stationary testing method of flow rate by ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel?
-Stationary powder start to flow measurement procedure does not let the powder go until 50 g mass of powder is completely loaded into a hall flow meter funnel.

-How many testing procedures recommended by ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel?
-There are two testing methods are recommended by ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel.One is stationary powder start to flow measurement, the other is moving powder start to flow measurement.

-What if the flow rate of chinese emery is less than 37 s according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel?
-It is recommended that the use of a hall flowmeter funnel be discontinued after the flow rate of the chinese emery that is the calibration powder has increased such that the time of flow is less than 37 s.

-What could be the main cause if the flow rate of a hall flow meter funnel has decreased according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders?
-A decrease in flow rate (slower flow) may indicate a plating of soft powder upon the orifice. This should be removed carefully with the aid of a pipe cleaner and the calibration test rerun, the new correction factor being calculated if required.

- What could be the main reason if the flow rate of a hall flow meter funnel has increased according to ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders using a hall flow meter funnel?
-Before adopting the new correction factor, however, it is recommended that the cause of the change be investigated. If the flow rate has increased (faster flow), it is probable that repeated use has burnished the orifice and the new correction factor may be used.

- How to determine the hall flow meter funnel correction factor in ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders?
-If the hall flow rate has changed from that stamped on the instrument, the new correction factor will be 40.0 divided by this new flow rate.

- What if the hall flow rate has changed from standard in ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders?
-According to international standard ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders,if the hall flow rate has changed from that stamped on the instrument,i.e. hall flow meter funnel, the new correction factor will be used to calculate the hall flow rate.

-How long is it recommended by ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders to check the flow rate of hall flow meter funnel?
-ASTM B 213 Standard Test Method for Flow Rate of Metal Powders recommend the hall flow rate be checked using Chinese emery calibration powder periodically, at least every six months, using the procedure outlined in No.9 Calibration of Apparatus steps 9.1.1-9.1.5.

-Does AimSizer attend the interlaboratory study of determining the flow rate of Chinese emery powder?
-The flow rate of Chinese emery powder was established by an interlaboratory study conducted by Subcommitte B09.02 in 1995.It represents the flow rate through the master flowmeter funnel that had been used in a previous interlaboratory study with the former Turkish emery calibration powder,which is no longer available.AimSizer Scientifc is a world leading and reliable manufacturer of Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter Funnels and Carney Funnels. All the metallic parts are processed and supplied by qualified subcontractor according to International Standards in order to make the unit accurate and robust to satisfy the user's requirement at cost-effective basis.
AimSizer is also a major research participant in the interlaboratory study of the flow of Chinese Emery. Chinese Emery is used to calibrate a flowmeter funnel by the manufacturers.
AimSizer is also the original manufacturer of Chinese Emery according to ASTM B213 and other international standards using such certified reference material.

-Where to stamp average of five flow times after calibrating hall flowmeter funnel using chinese emery?
-After testing chinese emery for 5 times,the average of five flow times after calibrating hall flowmeter funnel using chinese emery is usually stamped on the bottom of the hall flow meter funnel.

-What factor will influence calibrating hall flow meter funnel other than normal procedures?
-The flow rate of Chinese emery calibration powder is sensitive to moisture. Starting from the dried condition, it will absorb moisture from the ambient air as five (or ore) flow tests are performed. Flow times can vary dependent upon the humidity of the test area.

-What extremes of 5 tests's difference during calibrating hall flow meter funnel by Chinese emery?
-For this part manufacturer of hall flowmeter funnel should use identifcal 50.0 g mass of emery for all the tests until 5 flow times, the extremes of which shall not differ by more than 0.4 s and record test results.

-How many times is needed during calibrating hall flow meter funnel by testing Chinese emery?
-For this part manufacturer of hall flow meter funnels should use identical 50.0 g mass of emery for all the tests until 5 flow times.

-Powder hall flowmeter funnel calibration procedures in astm b 213-second step?
-The calibration procedures of hall flow meter funnel take several steps, the second is to cool the emery to room temperature in a dessicator

- Powder hall flowmeter funnel calibration procedures in astm b 213-second step?
-The calibration procedures of hall flow meter funnel take several steps, the second is to cool the emery to room temperature in a dessicator.

-Powder hall flowmeter funnel calibration procedures in astm b 213-first step?
-The calibration procedures of hall flow meter funnel take several steps, the first one has to heat an open glass jar of Chinese emery in a drying oven at a temperature of 102 Celsius degree to 107 Celsius degree (215 to 225 Fehrenheit degree) for one hour.

-Where to buy a hall flowemter funnel,stand and Chinese emery in ASTM B 213?
-AimSizer Scientifc is a world leading and reliable manufacturer of Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter Funnels and Carney Funnels. All the metallic parts are processed and supplied by qualified subcontractor according to International Standards in order to make the unit accurate and robust to satisfy the user's requirement at cost-effective basis.

-AimSizer is also a major research participant in the interlaboratory study of the flow of Chinese Emery. Chinese Emery is used to calibrate a flowmeter funnel by the manufacturers.

-AimSizer is also the original manufacturer of Chinese Emery according to ASTM B213 and other international standards using such certified reference material.

- How to prepare apparatus in ASTM B 213 about hall flow meter funnel?
-Before determining the flow rate by hall flowmeter funnel, clean the hall flowmeter funnel with a clean dry toweling paper,then clean the hall flowmeter funnel orifice with a clean dry pipe cleaner.

-What standard is applied when sampling in ASTM B213 about hall flow meter funnel?
-A quantity of powder sufficient to run the desired number of flow tests shall be obtained in accordance with Practices ASTM B 215.

-What is the function of a Balance in apparatus of Hall Flow Meter (Funnel)?
-When user determines the flow rate of metal powders or other powders,a Balance is needed.It is used to weigh the mass of the powder to be tested.It is capable of weighing at least 50.0 gram and to the nearests 0.1 gram

-What is the function of a Chinese Emery in apparatus of hall flow meter(funnel)?
-When we determine the flow rate of metal powders we need Chinese Emery.It is used to calibrate the flowmeter funnel.It is a standardized emery grit used to periodically checking the calibrationn accuracy of the hall flow meter funnel.When the accuracy of the hall funnel goes out of permitted tolerances,user has to purhcase a new hall flowmeter funnel for replacement.

-What is the function of a Timing Device in apparatus of hall flow meter(funnel)?
-When we determine the flow rate of metal powders we need a Timing Device,it is usually a stopwatch capable of measuring the time taken by 50 gram of powders to pass the orifice of a hall flow meter funnel.Operator can also use other suitable device,however it has to measure to the nearest 0.1 second. Stopwatch is supplied subject to options selected.

-What is the function of a Base in apparatus of hall flow meter(funnel)?
-When we determine the flow rate of metal powders we need a Base, it is used to support the powder flowmeter stand.It should be a level,vibration free base in order to secure the test accuracy.

-What is the function of a Stand in apparatus of hall flow meter(funnel)?
-When we determine the flow rate of metal powders we need a Stand,it is used to support the powder flowmeter funnel.

-What is the relation between dimension of hall flowmeter funnel and Chinese Emery?
-The dimension shown in ASTM B213 for the flowmeter funnel including the orifice, are not to be considered controlling factors. Calibration with emery, as specified in ASTM B213 determines the working flow rate of the funnel.

- What is the key apparatus being used in standard test method for flow rate of metal powders?
- Powder flowmeter funnel is the key apparatus in such method. It is a flowmeter funnel featuring an orifice at bottom. Such orifice is not ready after drilling, the manufacturer has to calibrate it in diameter.The diameter is 0.10 inches, i.e. approximately 2.54mm.

-What is the significance and use of an Hall Flowmeter/Flow Meter Funnel?
-The standard test method for flow rate of metal powders may be part of the purchase agreement between powder manufacturers and powder metallurgy (P/M) part producer, or it can be an internal quality control test by either the producer or the end user.

- Hall Flow Meter Funnel-What factor influence Flow Rate?
-Hall Flowmeter(Funnel) determines the flow rate of metal powders in powder metallurgy and other industries.
-Among all the factors which influence the metal powder flow rate the humidity and moisture content influence flow rate considerably.
-Wet or moist powders may not flow.

-Hall Flow Meter (Funnel) Interparticle Friction by ASTM B213?
- Hall Flow Meter-The ability of a (metal) powder to flow is a function of interparticle friction. As interparticle friction increases, flow is slowed. Fine powders may not flow.

-What is the significance and use of flow properties 1/4?
-Flow properties determine the rate and uniformity of die cavity filling, therefore determine the production rates and uniformity of compacted parts.

-The scope of ISO 4490 about Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter
-The International Standard specifies a method for determining the flow rate of metallic powders, including powders for hardmetals, by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall Flowmeter).
-The method is applicable only to powders which flow freely through the specified test orifice.

- The scope of ASTM B213 about Hall Flowmeter/Hall Flow Meter
-This test method covers the determination of the flow rate of metal powders and is suitable only for those powders that will flow unaided through the specified apparatus.
-The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard (except for the flowmeter funnel, which is fabricated in inch-pound units). The values given in parentheses are for information only.
-This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate saftety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.

- Principle of Hall Flow determination according to international standard ISO 4490 Metallic powders - Determination of flow rate by means of a calibrated funnel (Hall flowmeter)
-Measurement of the time required for 50 g of a metallic powder to flow through the orifice of a calibrated funnel of standardized dimensions.



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